Dr. Morakinyo Dada1, Mohammad Tawhid Reaz2, James Jacob Ribero3

1 PhD, School of Business, Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Email: morakinyo@apu.edu.my Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0358-5070

2 MBA, School of Business, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Email: tawhid.reaz@ulab.edu.bd Orcid: https://orcid.org/0009-0003-7193-384

3 M.B.B.S, MBA, School of Business, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Email: james.ribero@ulab.edu.bd


Color Vision Defect affects about one in twelve males and two hundred women worldwide, according to research. CVD has a big impact in almost every marketing and branding circumstance, especially when product color is the key. This study began with a Red-Green CVD test of 522 Dhaka residents. Since few research have measured color blindness in Bangladesh, this study can be used as one of the Bangladesh color vision deficiency baseline results. The important factor of this study is whether this result is comparable to Bangladesh’s earlier result and whether Bangladesh has a lower/higher CVD prevalence than other nations. The most common CVD is Red-Green Colour Vision Defect. Green fruits turn yellow and red when maturing and CVD patients have trouble distinguishing neighboring colours like Red, Green, Brown, etc. After examining baskets of green and ripe yellow, red, and partly reddish fruits, this study evaluated the findings. This study found out that people with color vision defects had trouble choosing fruits from baskets. Furthermore, the study tested hypotheses to determine severity of Red-Green CVD and found out it to be less than expected probably due to coping mechanism, experience etc. in Red-Green CVD subjects.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.59857/IJABS.1648

File Type: pdf
Categories: Vol 3. Special Issue 1. (2024)
Author: 1Morakinyo Dada, 2Mohammad Tawhid Reaz, 3 James Jacob Ribero
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