Pearson Chaurura1* and Javaid Dar2
1 Botho University, Faculty of Health & Education, Department of Health Information Management.
2 Aligarh University, Department of Higher Education, Government of Jammu & Kashmir
* Corresponding author:
This study sought to identify and evaluate the nature and extent of challenges faced by SMMEs in Botswana during the COVID-19 pandemic. It found that SMMEs in Botswana encountered several challenges but the most important were financial (75.4%), technological (74.4%), and human resource (68.8%) challenges. Specifically, these were drop in sales/business (89.2%), need for accelerated digitisation (45.8%), and capacity to ensure the well-being of employees (58.4%). Also, there were challenges with accessing and utilising government programmes despite a high level of awareness among SMMEs. Some challenges may be more important in some sectors than others as there was a significant association between challenges and SMME industry sector. The dominance of financial, technological, and human resource challenges underscores the central role of they play in SMME operations. It is not enough for governments to avail resources, programmes, policies and frameworks in support of SMMEs. Effort needs to be expended promote uptake.
Keywords: SMME, challenges, COVID-19, pandemic, association