Ndayisaba Gerard 1*, Gitahi Njenga 2

1 School of Business and Econimics, Mount Kigali University, Rwanda

2 School of Business and Economics, Mount Kigali University, Rwanda

* Corresponding author: tuvier90@gmail.com


In the current demanding economic landscape, organizations must consistently reassess and innovate to stay pertinent in their operational sphere, particularly in highly competitive environments. This study aimed to investigate the influence of internal core competencies on organizational competitive advantage, focusing specifically on MTN Rwanda. Guided by three specific objectives, this research assessed the influence of management qualifications, the perception of innovation, and intellectual capital on the organizational competitive advantage of MTN Rwanda PLC. The study employed a descriptive and correlational research design, combining quantitative and qualitative methods. Data were collected through interviews and questionnaires. Key findings indicated that management capabilities, including education level, experience, training, leadership, and decision-making skills, significantly influence MTN Rwanda’s competitive advantage, with means ranging from 3.17 to 3.85 and standard deviations from 0.54 to 0.78. Attitudes towards risk-taking, willingness to adopt new technologies, creativity, problem-solving skills, culture of innovation, and implementation of innovative ideas are crucial factors in MTN Rwanda’s competitive advantage, with mean scores ranging from 4.45 to 4.48 and low standard deviations of 0.70 to 0.71. Intellectual capital, encompassing human, structural, and relational capital, plays a key role in MTN Rwanda’s competitive advantage, with means ranging from 4.55 to 4.58 and standard deviations from 0.63 to 0.64. An ANOVA test revealed a significant difference in competitive advantage between groups (F(0.12) = 474.605, p = .000). Additionally, strong positive correlations were found between management capabilities and competitive advantage (rs = .752, p = .000), innovation capacity and competitive advantage (rs = .904, p = .000), and intellectual capital and competitive advantage (rs = .876, p = .000). The findings emphasize the critical role of internal core competencies in driving competitive advantage. Management capabilities, a proactive approach to risk-taking, innovation, and leveraging intellectual capital are pivotal in shaping MTN Rwanda’s competitive position in the telecommunication industry. Internal core competencies, including management capabilities, innovation, and intellectual capital, significantly influence MTN Rwanda’s competitive advantage. It is recommended that the company prioritize education, training, leadership, risk-taking, and technology adoption while fostering a culture of innovation and leveraging intellectual capital.

Keywords: Internal Core Competencies, Tel-ecommunication, Industry, Net-work, Rwanda

DOI: https://doi.org/10.59857/IJABS1232

File Type: pdf
Categories: Vol 3. Issue 3. (2024)
Author: 1 Ndayisaba Gerard, 2 Gitahi Njenga
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