Saleh Salim Alfarsi, Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



Organizational creativity seems to be a very important factor that dictates the success of an organization in the present time. Hence, the main question in this study involves determining which factors would help in making an organization become very creative. Quantitative method as the main research design is implemented here. The questionnaire method was the main data collection method used. In this study, the researcher used Omantel, a mobile telecommunications company in Oman and 200 respondents were selected to participate in this research using the probability sampling technique. In particular, the researcher wanted to show that organizational creativity can be influenced by the creative behavior of a leader, the openness of a leader and a creative work environment created by a leader. The empirical findings revealed that creative behavior of leaders, the openness of a leader and the creative work environment are statistically significant towards organizational creativity. However, the impact of leaders’ creativity is higher than other two factors.

Keywords: creative behavior, openness a leader, creative work environment, organizational creativity


File Type: pdf
Categories: Vol 1. Issue 1. (2022)
Author: Saleh Salim Alfarsi
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