Nithya Geraldine1 , Vikneswaran Manual2

1 Degree in Accounting and Finance, School of Accounting and Finance, Asia Pacific University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Email:  ORCID:

2 PhD, School of Accounting and Finance, Asia Pacific University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ORCID:


This research paper aims to study the influence of Bitcoin (BTC), Crude Palm Oil (CPO), Crude Oil (WTI), the Dollar Rate (USD), and Gold (XAU), on Stock Market Portfolios (KLSE). Time series data for this investigation was obtained from Yahoo Finance and Furthermore, the Unit Root Test conducted found that the variables are stationary after 1st differencing. Moreover, since there was no Cointegration discovered between the variables, VAR was performed to determine the long-run causality effect, while the Wald Test was conducted to examine the short-run causality effect. The findings revealed that none of the variables contained a long-run relationship, whereas Bitcoin (BTC), Crude Palm Oil (CPO), and Gold (XAU) contained a short-run relationship with the independent variable (KLSE).

Keywords:  Bitcoin (BTC), Crude Palm Oil (CPO), Crude Oil (WTI), Dollar Rate (USD), and Gold (XAU), on Stock Market Portfolios (KLSE)


File Type: pdf
Categories: Vol 3. Special Issue 1. (2024)
Author: 1 Nithya Geraldine, 2 Vikneswaran Manual
Downloads: 12